Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter + Touch Screen = Ouch!

Winter has arrived in Finland and there's at least one thing that reminds me of that even when indoors: the dried out and broken skin on my hands. The damage is mostly visible on my right hand and that's because I use my phone with it.

When you use a capacitive touch screen phone, you have to use it with bare hands. And doing that in Finnish winter,  when temperatures can be below -20°C, it can be quite uncomfortable. Even slight winds make your hands freeze even faster. My hands have frozen up few times, when checking out SMS while walking downtown, or checking Facebook notifications while waiting a bus.

I have heard about gloves that actually work with capacitive screens, but I can imagine they're not so good in extreme low temperatures and it would be silly to buy separate cloves just for this purpose. So, I hope there will be some improvement/innovation in this field of smart phone usability some day in the future. =)

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