Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sports Tracker revisited

Some time ago I wrote about Sports Tracker. While I concluded that the app is great and fun, the accuracy should be better. Well, now I've been using a Windows Phone 7 version of it on Nokia's Lumia 800 and it seems to be consistently more accurate than on iPhone 3G. Maybe it's the polycarbonate body? See the maps below for some comparison:

Lumia 800:

I'll also add a screenshot to show how accurate the GPS can be. In this shot you can see I went across the road on different points when heading away and heading back. It's pretty cool:

Another plus with the WP7 version seems to be the battery drainage. Running around 42 mins outdoors in -4 degrees Celsius used about 4-5% of the battery, which is vastly less than on the iPhone 3G. Originally I intended to use the iPhone as my "sports tracker" phone, but now that it seems to work better on the Lumia, I think I'm sticking to it =)

Oh, and one more plus for the app on WP7: I can switch apps while on the go. For example: I press Stop (pause) on Sports Tracker view, switch on the camera, Foursquare or whatever, then return to Sports Tracker app and press Resume to continue with running or other activity. Seems to work brilliantly.

You can get Sports Tracker for WP7 from Windows Phone Marketplace.


  1. I rely on autopause on my Symbian N8 when taking photos. Stop running, push camera button, take a photo, close camera, continue running.

    1. Ah, cool! I have actually never tried the autopause function. Sounds good so maybe I'll give it a try as well.
