Saturday, January 14, 2012

Long live Williams!

Yesterday I was at a concert. First one in my life. Yeah, you read it right, first =D I've been going to the movies ever since I was a kid and I love movies. I like drawing and graphical design too, so I would say I'm a visually-oriented guy but I've never been into music that much.

But once my friend asked if I was willing to go listen to movie music by John Williams in a concert Eläköön Williams! (translated. Long live Williams!) I could not refuse since I love movie soundtracks! Maybe it's because they are pompous, emotional and still entertaining without the need of vocals.

I was greatly impressed from what I heard, a totally new kind of experience for me. The sound that a 97 piece orchestra, Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, produces is magical. Just as amazing is to watch this big group of people pulling it all together, seamlessly. And the acoustics of Tampere talo were so good that you could hear even the most silent sound perfectly well all the way to the back rows.

John Williams themed concert was a perfect hit for a movie fan like me, since his music is present in many of my favourites. For instance they played music from Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter and Star Wars. Next time, if they pull of a concert consisting of music by e.g. Vangelis, Hans Zimmer or James Horner, I'm 100% in! =)

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