Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Online Dating

Sorry, a boring, non-gadget-related post with no pics =)

"Inner beauty matters the most", sure, but mostly in Hollywood movies. I know the basic message behind that phrase is very true, but why is it that so many people on online dating sites have lists of features they want from their partner, mostly related to their appearance. Yes, I use online dating sites/apps myself.

The sad thing is, pretty much the only thing I can't change in me is the thing most women don't like… and that is my height (166 cm). And if it's a close call, there's always the "I wear very high heels" explanation. I'd say about 80% of nicely gone conversations have ended immediately once this "issue" has popped up - and that is before even meeting anyone in person. Of course, there are some truly nice women out there too to whom height isn't the most relevant thing.

The second problem with online dating is, that you truly can't tell about the personality of someone based solely on text messaging. I'm a bit of a shy person, geeky and tend to get (too) excited on certain subjects and none of these help on real life date, no matter how well I may write down words on messages =) Messaging though is a good way to learn quite a bit about a person, her/his values and interests and thus to evaluate if it's even worth to meet that someone.

But still, even after longish conversations there seems to be false expectations of one's appearance as I have learned quite a few times. Or maybe my online pics are distorted (which I believe is not the case). Maybe this problem could be fixed with webcam conversations, but that just sounds way awkward to me..

Anyways, I hope there are still some decent women out there that truly appreciate some of the virtues I believe I have: honesty, fairness and being reasonable at all times. I don't smoke nor drink much of alcohol, keep myself fit.. etc etc. In other words, I'm not a "bad boy", and unfortunate to me, they sure seem to be in fashion.

So, perhaps there's a business idea for someone? Dating site where short men are not looked down on. Well, thinking of it, I bet there are some out there already. Maybe I should join? Or maybe I should move from this land of beauty queens and ice hockey players to some crazy, smart short people country. Japan, South Korea, perhaps? =)

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