Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First touch with Windows Phone 7

Yesterday, finally, I had my first touch with the Windows Phone 7 (Mango) OS on a brand new HTC Radar. I haven't had time yet to try all of the features, and since I'm new to the OS (been using only iOS for the last 3+ years), I don't even know all of the basics yet. But this I can tell you: I'm loving it so far!

The leap of waith was quite something for me, when reflecting it on my history with Apple products. It was simply time to try something new, and WP7 is truly that - a fresh approach to a mobile OS, and it's very snappy too. As a noob, it was fairly easy to adapt to the logic behind the user interface as well.

I'll post a longer "review" on the HTC Radar and WP7 Mango later on, when I have more time. Meanwhile, if you've never tried the OS before and are planning on getting a new phone, go ahead and give it a try! You might be positively surprised.

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