Monday, November 28, 2011

Donated to Wikipedia

Today, for the first time, I donated a few bucks to Wikimedia Foundation. Why? Because I use the site a lot. I constantly keep on googling for things and end up reading Wikipedia about the subject - and other stuff related to it.

I understand that some, if not most of the money may not really go to the things they claim them to go. Is this a reason not to donate? I don't think so. There are always people that take more than "their fair share" in this world, but it should not stop people from doing things out of good will. In general I think people are much more selfish these days than years ago. And really, few euros won't hurt your personal economy in any way.

Personally, I like the idea that even a few cents of my donation end up being used to buy a new server for Wikipedia, a server with information I might be soon looking for. And maybe by donating we get that Jimmy Wales face off from the top of the page more quickly ;)

Donate to Wikipedia

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