Monday, October 24, 2011

Sports Tracker

If you like outdoor sports, such as bicycling, running, walking, skiing etc. and are used to carry a smart phone while you're out there, you might like Sports Tracker. With Sports Tracker you can easily save the data from each of your exercise, such as route in visual format, kilometer count, speed, calories burnt etc. and share it with your friends - or the whole world. If you prefer, you can keep your stats private, of course.

At least personally, I love statistics! I love investigating maps too! I love.. ok, enough of that.  Anyway, I have kept record of all the kilometers I've ran since 2000, but with Notepad style. I'm stickin' to my old habits though, since no matter how great Sports Tracker truly is, it has it's downsides. Most annoying thing is that (at least on my cellphone) the GPS signal is pretty unreliable (and it consumes A LOT of the phone's battery life). Still, I recommend you to at least give it a try, it's fun!

Here's an embed of one of my exercises:

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