Saturday, October 22, 2011

Panorama photography

I love taking photos, but I have not been able to produce panoramas due to my old phone. Thus I have used my employer's iPad 2 to create some panoramas. I love how easy doing panoramas has become, and how good in quality they are (reflecting on the amount of effort put in making them).

Multiple images stitched into one render with Photosynth. 
Taken at our summer cottage in 2011.

The two software I have tried are: Occipital 360 Panorama and Microsoft Photosynth. Mostly I have used the former, because it seems to be faster and has better recognition when doing full 360° panoramas. On the other hand Photosynth seems to have better image quality when the stitching has gone well. It's worked great for partial, wide-angle photosynths like the example above. The examples on the official web sites of both software indicate, however, that with right skills (and device?) you can make some really amazing stuff with them.

If you're interested, you can see some of my 360 Panoramas at my homepage's panorama-page.

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