Thursday, October 20, 2011

All of my cell phones

Yeah, these are all of the phones I have ever owned =) So I guess it's time to get a new one already, huh?

I got my first phone, Nokia 3210 in year 2000, I was so thrilled about my first phone I even made it into a drawing. My second was also a Nokia, 1100 to be exact. Still stickin' to the cheaper models and a black&white screen.

Then, when I heard Apple was making a phone (I'll write another post to explain my history with Apple and technology in general), I knew it would be my first top-notch phone. Sadly, the first iPhone never arrived in Finland, but the 3G did and I bought it immediately.

The iPhone 3G has served me well for over three years so I guess it's already passed it's retirement age. Now then, I'm finally ready to upgrade since the latests smart phones have these things I want:

1) Good camera with HD video recording. I like taking photos, but I am so tired to always carry my large Canon EOS400 or Ixus pocket cam with me, e.g. when traveling. Bad camera and no video rec has been the #1 drag of iPhone 3G.

2) More processing power, enough to run the latest software. I don't think Angry Birds works on iPhone 3G.

3) The "Wow" effect. Or at least something fresh. Everyone has an iPhone these days, and they all look pretty much the same and the main UI is still about static icons. Easy to use? Yes. Innovative? Not anymore.

So, now I am still waiting for that next wow-phone to arrive. It may already be out there, but I have decided to wait for the first Nokia Windows phones to see if they've got that something special I'm looking for.