Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bungie t-shirts - a nerdy fashion report

A week ago I finally received a Bungie branded t-shirt all the way from the USA! It's good quality, simplistically stylish and has a bit of kick-ass attitude. Bungie is the company behind the now much popular Halo game series. Its Myth II was one of the last games I liked to play on computer until a decade of pause from video games. Then, Bungie's Halo 3 brought me back into gaming, this time on Xbox 360.

The new shirt will join my collection of two t-shirts from Bungie that date back all the way to the late 90's, when I was in my golden nerd years, so to speak. Back then Bungie games like Marathon and Myth were my top favorites because of their great storytelling and throughout quality.

The Bungie t-shirt would've been even cooler if they had put their slogan in Latin, as they did in their old coat of arms stickies "Non facete nobis calcitrare vestrum perineum" (I love Latin stuff because I studied the language myself in high school). On the back of Marathon 2 shirt there's this hilarious, perhaps bit naughty pic of the AI controlled friendly BOB units of the Marathon games.

I got the Marathon 2 shirt with Marathon Trilogy Box set (one of the greatest product packings too, imho) and Myth II shirt along with Myth II. Sadly though those shirts are XL-sized so I haven't wore them much. The new Bungie t-shirt, however, is my size S and fits perfectly! Can't wait for the summer to arrive so I can wear the shirt with pride. I honestly think Americans produce great everyday clothes. In addition to the Bungie shirts, I've got a couple of Hawaii shirts that may be unfashionable, but excellent in quality =)

Back in mid-late 90's I actually had my first penpal/internet-friend working at Bungie, who sent me all sorts of cool Bungie collectibles and even the autograph of then-Bungie-CEO Alex Seropian. But that's another story to tell!

For a funny closing here's a pic from the days of glory:

Me (on the left) and two of my friends holding Myth products circa 1997. Notice: I also wear Chicago Bulls cap (Bungie was founded in Chicago) and the cap has a Myth stickie attached to it as well =D

PS. Sorry I didn't iron the Marathon 2 and Myth II shirts for their photoshoots!


  1. How can I get a hold of that Marathon shirt!

    I must know...

    1. Heya Durandal! (nice nick) =) If I remember correctly, I got this shirt along with the Marathon Trilogy Box set. Unfortunately, I do not know where one might obtain such shirt these days since I'd imagine they haven't been produced in decade(s) =/ My best guess would be Ebay or such market places.
