Sunday, August 25, 2013

Collection of Lumia 920 sample photos

Er.. it's been quite a while since my last post here, sorry about that! Nothing special has happened in my life, but perhaps after moving to capital region I've spent more time out, especially in Helsinki and it has to offer, so I've stopped writing here. Anyway, now that the summer is coming to an end I hope to write more often here!

One thing I haven't stopped at any point is taking photos. And I love to take a lot of them when I'm on the move. This year I haven't used much of my DSLR, instead I've mostly relied on my Nokia Lumia 920.  While Lumia 920 has been an absolute fantastic phone, in overall quality and especially the camera, I am most probably switching to the Lumia 1020 when it comes out. Perhaps after that I can rely fully on the phone's camera even on trips from where I'd love to snap high resolution photos for print. I'll get back to that if/when I get my hands on the device. =)

Meanwhile, here's a set of over 400 unedited photos taken with the Lumia 920. There's plenty of pictures from my trips, including Tallinn, Stockholm and San Francisco. Vast majority is from and around Kerava and Helsinki where I live and work respectively. Check out the photos on my SkyDrive by clicking the image below!

San Francisco by Night, captured with my Lumia 920

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